FAQabout the Nextwork Academy
The Nextwork Academy offers training courses on relevant topics relating to information security and data protection. It is important for your company, but also for you privately, to protect company data, private data and information.
Complete courses
Follow the info display: If the course is marked as completed, no further action is required. If no certificate is visible, you still need to complete the course.
All courses must be completed regularly. You can filter the courses in the menu on the left to see all open or completed courses immediately. Under „Open“ you will also find all courses that you have already started and in the status „in progress“.
Please note that a period is always one year. For example, if you completed a course on the 1st March 2023, the next period begins on 2nd March 2024 – regardless if the course was completed within the current year. Courses that are completed BEFORE the end of the year are therefore not counted in the report and must be repeated after the period.
Have you not taken the course for more than a year? Then your deadline has expired (see What if my deadline has expired?). Or maybe you forgot to complete the course correctly (see How do I complete my courses correctly?)? If both cases do not apply, we need a little more input. Write an email with your problem to academy@nextwork.de and we’ll help you.
You can complete, continue or repeat your courses at any time. If you have not completed any courses for over a year, you may have to pass them twice in a row, as the deadline is based on the annual cycle.
The annual repetition cycle depends on the registration date at the Nextwork Academy, which is individual for everyone. The start dates of the courses will vary depending on the date on that you or your colleagues started at your company and completed the Academy training courses as part of the on-boarding process.
Start the course and go through the content chapter by chapter. At the end there is a test, which you must have answered 80% correctly to pass and receive a certificate.
You can repeat all courses and the tests at least three times. For every wrong answer, you will be shown the correct results. This way, you know immediately which topic you may still have a few gaps in your knowledge.
To complete the course correctly, click on „Lesson 3 – Completion“ after your test result. Then click on the „x“ in the top right-hand corner to return to the Academy.
Once you have successfully completed a course, you can download your certificate – it is also automatically saved in your profile. To download it, simply click on Certificate in the course overview and the download will start automatically.
You can either ask your internal information security and data protection team (IDT) or write an email to Nextwork Academy Support: academy@nextwork.de
Click on your initials at the top right – this will take you to „My data“. All your personal details are displayed here and you can also change your password.
At the top right you will find a small globe. If you click on it, you will be shown all the language versions you have unlocked and can choose between them.
Admin functions
The admin area is only visible to Academy managers. This area can be accessed by your company’s information security and data protection team (IDT) or HR department, for example.
A manager:in role should be assigned to those people who are responsible for training and raising awareness among employees. These are usually the members of the IDT or HR.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. All registered participants of the organization are displayed under „Participants“. Under „Details“, managers can find out, for example, their active status, how long they have been registered and what access rights they have.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. On the „Participants“ page, there is a field at the bottom where you can invite participants from your company. You can invite all employees of your company (with the same or registered email domain) here. After you have clicked on „Invite“, the invited person will receive an email with the corresponding registration link – provided no spelling mistakes have crept in 😉
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. All registered participants of the organization are displayed under „Participants“. Click on the arrow in the „Details“ column. Here you can set the person’s status to inactive if employees are absent for a longer period, e.g. due to sabbatical, sick leave, parental leave, etc. This account is then grayed out in the overview.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. All registered participants of the organization are displayed under „Participants“. Click on the arrow in the „Details“ column. Here you can delete accounts completely, e.g. if employees have left the company. To do this, click on the „Remove participant“ button and follow the further instructions. When participants are deleted, all data and past documentation is also removed from the Academy. So if employees are only absent from the company for a certain period of time, it makes sense to only set them to inactive (see Where can I set participants to inactive?).
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. All registered participants of the organization are displayed under „Participants“. Click on the arrow in the „Details“ column. Here you can adjust the access rights: A distinction is made between managers and participants. A manager will then receive a green icon in front of their surname.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. All registered participants of the organization are displayed under „Participants“. Click on the arrow in the „Details“ column. Here you can edit the first name, surname and email address and assign the participants to a department.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. Under „Report“, you can view and download an overview of all your participations and certificates. If you click on the detailed arrow next to the individual participants, you will see the detailed history of when which course was completed, when a course started or how many days the course is already overdue for the respective participant. You can also start the download of the PDF file by clicking on Certificate.
Go to the admin area in the menu on the left. Under „Report“ you will find an overview of all participations. At the bottom you will find a button „Download table as Excel file“.
In this case, it is best to contact your IPM. Together, you can analyze the possible causes and draw up a plan to motivate employees to complete the training courses on time
You can find the setting if you go to „Organizations“ in the menu and then to „Edit“. In the organization settings, you will find the option „Email notifications“ and can see whether these are active or not. If the notifications are active, the Nextwork Academy will automatically send reminder emails after >6 and >8 weeks to all participants who still have to complete the courses or when new courses have been activated.
Departments can be added or edited under „Organizations > Edit > Departments“. Any number of departments can be created, named and described. You can edit an existing department by clicking on the arrow in the Action column.
Nextwork Academy access to Azure AD can be extended so that the participant list in the Academy is synchronized with the user list from Azure AD. New users created in Azure AD are then automatically transferred to the Academy and users that no longer exist or are no longer active in Azure AD are also deactivated in the Academy.
The Nextwork Academy’s access to Okta can be extended so that the list of participants in the Academy is synchronized with the user list from Okta. New users created in Okta are then automatically transferred to the Academy and users who no longer exist or are no longer active in Okta are also deactivated in the Academy.
The Nextwork Academy’s access to Google can be extended so that the list of participants in the Academy is synchronized with the user list from Google. New users created in Google are then automatically transferred to the Academy and users that no longer exist or are no longer active in Google are also deactivated in the Academy.